
2020 年 03 月 08 日



今年,移工與本地團體共同商討把億萬人起動的行動與三八一起聯合行動。今年主辦單位邀請所有講者和現場的參與者,一起跳舞,包括One Billion rising (億萬起動)今年的主題舞蹈和歌曲We Are Rising和億萬起動的起始舞蹈和歌曲Break The Chain。





1. The HK government should address the root cause of poverty; implement significant measures to alleviate poverty which do not exclude migrant domestic workers.

1. 香港政府須處理貧困狀況的根本原因,及推行並不排拒移民家務工的有效舒解措施。

2. Implement a living wage for all; review the statutory minimum wage and extend the labour policy to protect part-time and casual workers.

2. 推行全民生活工資政策,檢討法定最低工資及擴闊勞工政策保障兼職及零散僱員。

3. Recognize home carers by providing social protection and accessible and sufficient public services for all people of Hong Kong

3. 確認家庭照僱者,為全香港人民提供社會保障及易於獲得和足夠的公共服務。

4. Protect women and girls; provide access to information and services to end all forms of violence against women and girls.

4. 保護所有婦女不受任何形式的性暴力對待,提供易於獲得的資訴及服務。

5. Recognize domestic work as work; scrap all discriminatory policies against migrants; establish a migrants’ committee and; set up regular consultations with the migrants’ unions.

5. 確認家務勞動;取消所有針對移工的歧視性措施及政策、設立包括移工代表的委員會、定其咨詢代表移工的工會及相關組織。



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